A Football Season Ends, But a Giveaway Begins!
I always get incredibly sad on Super Sunday because, as the pre-game shows drag on, I gradually come to grips with the realization that another season has ended and I won’t be getting my weekly football fix for another 6 months. Thank heavens we have an Olympics this year to help fill the void. I forget how much I enjoy speed skating until it returns to television.
My Saturday volunteer shift in Times Square was a wee bit busier than Wednesday night. The dense crowds shuffled down Broadway between exhibits like extras in The Walking Dead. But everyone was in a very festive mood, enjoying the day and the excitement leading up to the game.

Thank you for sharing the excitement of the past few weeks with me. As a thank you, I’m running a Rafflecopter giveaway. The prize? Part of my official NFL volunteer attire. I’m not a fan of baseball caps (I have an abbondanza of curls that restricts my ability to wear hats-it’s one of the reasons I’ve held off on the Kentucky Derby for so long), so I have a brand-new one to offer. The contest ends on February 10th, so enter soon and often!