Create a Spa Bathroom at Home: What to Put on the Wall

Want the feel of a spa bathroom in your home? One of the challenges is choosing wall art for your master bath. Instead of a kitschy beach scene or the clutter of a bunch of photos, go for an oversized piece, handcrafted of natural elements.

Woven willow wheel from Pottery Barn makes the perfect spa bathroom statement and is a great way to feature big wall art.

Ever felt challenged by a wall?

My master bathroom only has one. It’s large. And blank. And its blankness swallows you whole when you walk into the room because the wall flanks the modern, freestanding soaking tub that’s the focal point.

Since we moved in, I’ve debated what to do with it.

Read More: Beach Bedroom Decorating Ideas: What to Hang on the Wall

Options for Master Bathroom Art

Because the opposite wall is a double wide window, I discarded the notion of hanging photographs; they’d fade in the sunlight.

A collection of mirrors, perhaps? I love the look of a mirror gallery wall – a bunch of tag sale frames, hung on a wall as a collage. The reflected sunlight would look beautiful too.

But there’s a lot of naked that happens in a master bathroom. Did I really want to see more of my aging glory?


A painting perhaps? Again, there’s the potential problem with sun damage and humidity. And, as I scrolled through page after page of images, I couldn’t find one that I felt I’d love to say good morning and good night to every day.

So the wall remained blank.

Big Wall Art Made of Natural Elements

Until I found this awesome woven wheel at Pottery Barn.

Wondering what to hang in your master bath to recreate the feel of your favorite resort's spa bathroom? Consider one big piece of wall art, like this woven wheel from Pottery Barn.

It’s 4 foot wide – tall, too since it’s a circle, so it totally fills the wall. It’s got an interesting texture thanks to the woven willow strands. Because the wheel is constructed with an open weave, the light from the window passes through it, casting shadows on the wall.

And it’s totally neutral. In this master bath, I’m trying to replicate one of the things I adore about traveling – the luxe feel of a spa bathroom. And the best ones, in my opinion, are almost universally void of color, relying instead on rich materials to make you feel good.

Breaking my color habit is hard to do, but I like the result. A neutral palette is calming. I also like the positive energy of the circle shape. It feels very organic to me.

What do you think? What kind of wall art do you have in your master bath?