‘Tis the Season for a Giveaway
I can’t believe that 7 months have passed since the launch of The Open Suitcase. My family and friends – old and new – are incredibly supportive and I thought the time was right to offer some thanks and provide a small token of appreciation to a lucky reader.
A recent grammar post prompted a number of replies. Many of them included praise for one of my favorite reference texts, Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style. One reader (Milai
That leads me to a Rafflecopter giveaway. From now until December 11, enter for a chance to win a copy of this great book. Good luck!
When I reference “new” friends, I’m addressing the incredibly creative and wonderfully kind readers who have stumbled upon this blog and offered their support, follows, and likes and particularly those who went out of their way to nominate me for blog awards. I want to apologize for not following through on these. To provide an eloquent entry takes so much time and although I haven’t found the space in my day, I really appreciate the nominations. If you aren’t familiar with them, please check out these sites. Each is terrific in their own way and I’m sure at least one of them will become a favorite of yours too: